Today, thanks to my 2012 Hospitality Training Pass from the Chattanooga Convention Visitors Bureau, my sister and I took a free tour of Ruby Falls. Our guide, ANDY, did a hilarious job guiding us through the cavern to the grand Falls. After all these years of making jokes about "Ruby falling" when we passed the signs on the highway, we now know that the falls were actually named after a woman named Ruby. I still don't know if she "fell" or not, but I can tell you from experience, that she would have been pretty bruised up after she crawled out of that cavern! We were thankful for the larger passageways carved out now to allow a small crowd.
Ruby Falls are also known for their Haunted Cavern Tours, which are not for the faint of heart, (like me!) and their Lantern Tours, which are as spooky as I care to go!
So, whether you take the Regular Tour, the Lantern Tour or the Haunted Cavern Tour, go enjoy Ruby Falls...there is plenty for everyone...and...be sure to ask for Andy!