Plan to have an Interim Innkeeper at your property a minimum of 24 hours in advance for Orientation. Our goal is to run things as closely to the way you do as is humanly possible given that we are different people. To do that best, we need to see how you do things from the time the first light is turned on in the morning until the last light is turned off at night.
If you do not have a property manual, ask the Interim if they have one for you to complete to ensure they have as much information as they might need to run your property while you are away. Yes. You want the Interim to call you if they need to. But, you do not want them calling you over every little thing. The point in your leaving is for you to be AWAY! J
The Interim will need information about the property, maintenance issues, pass codes, pool care, housekeeping, food prep, etc. Some of these things will be hands-on teaching. Others can be covered by simply writing it down in a “manual”.
The Interim may charge less than their full daily rate for Orientation day. A return visit to the property should not require a second orientation unless you have majorly changed things.
Until next time...