new one. Dobra Tea is by far the most interesting one I have been
to. It has a long history dating back to Prague and the final years
of communism. It spread to the United States in 2003 and
to Asheville in 2010.
They have the most interesting service. After you seat yourself, a Hostess comes to your table with a literal "book" for your menu and a little bell. The book gives you the history of the tea room, directions on how to choose your tea and how it is served, descriptions of the various teas and the countries they hail from as well as a sweet & savory menu. When you are ready to order, you just ring your bell. You can see the bell on the table to the left.
I enjoyed the food and the truffle. My favorite was the Turkish Tea in it's dainty glass cup. The Turkish Tea Pot was so big that I had to ask for the rest "to-go". Tea is, of course, something to linger over...unless the meter on the curb by your car three blocks away is about to run out!